Italian American Gentleman.

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OHIO, United States
Born Detroit at East Side General Hospital, raised in Ohio & Detroit, Progressive Democrat, Politically Active, an Engaged Citizen of the USA. Italiano Americano have lived and worked in Oregon, Indiana, Chicago, Boston, Vermont, Maryland,New York and a few places in between at times; "for Here we have no lasting city, we seek the one that is to come." (Hebrews 13:14)

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To my friends and family. Here is my web page. I hope you enjoy your visit.

Vermont Farm

Vermont Farm
I lived in Vermont & it is gorgeous

View from my Home in Vermont

View from my Home in Vermont
Bennington Battle Field Monument

Saturday, February 25, 2006


I'm reading JESUSLAND. The story takes place in Lafayette Indiana. I am quite familiar with Lafayette and the surrounding area having visited the area many times while residing in Chicago. In this book, a young white woman has two African American brothers. Her two black brothers were adopted by her parents and the older of the two is molesting the girl, the narrator of the story.

Julia Scheeres in the author,,,she has a great blog too.