Italian American Gentleman.

My photo
OHIO, United States
Born Detroit at East Side General Hospital, raised in Ohio & Detroit, Progressive Democrat, Politically Active, an Engaged Citizen of the USA. Italiano Americano have lived and worked in Oregon, Indiana, Chicago, Boston, Vermont, Maryland,New York and a few places in between at times; "for Here we have no lasting city, we seek the one that is to come." (Hebrews 13:14)

Welcome visitors. Stay a while please.

To my friends and family. Here is my web page. I hope you enjoy your visit.

Vermont Farm

Vermont Farm
I lived in Vermont & it is gorgeous

View from my Home in Vermont

View from my Home in Vermont
Bennington Battle Field Monument

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Movie/DVD - The Widow of St. Pierre

The title is a little misleading. Are you avoiding the movie because you don't want to see the beautiful lead actress, Juliette Binoche as a widow? "Widow" doesnt refer to a person, so see this lovely, tragic, romantic, humanistic movie. Daniel Auteil plays Binoche's husband and both are passionate lovers as husband and wife.

The cinematography, shot in Nova Scotia, is magnificent.