Italian American Gentleman.

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OHIO, United States
Born Detroit at East Side General Hospital, raised in Ohio & Detroit, Progressive Democrat, Politically Active, an Engaged Citizen of the USA. Italiano Americano have lived and worked in Oregon, Indiana, Chicago, Boston, Vermont, Maryland,New York and a few places in between at times; "for Here we have no lasting city, we seek the one that is to come." (Hebrews 13:14)

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To my friends and family. Here is my web page. I hope you enjoy your visit.

Vermont Farm

Vermont Farm
I lived in Vermont & it is gorgeous

View from my Home in Vermont

View from my Home in Vermont
Bennington Battle Field Monument

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Churches Don't Have Helicopters

Have you ever heard of a church that owns a helicopter? I haven't and I've been to a number of churches in various places in the United States.  Governments, (local, state, federal) own helicopters, not churches. Some private entities own helicopters. Some businesses own helicopters. 

Yet, as we approach the seven year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, we need to remember people perched on rooftops waiting for rescues that never got to them.  The response of the Bush administration was that the government wasn't really tasked with doing this type of work, the faith based community was supposed to take care of it.  And they did.  In the aftermath of the hurricane, churches marshaled resources to provide relief in New Orleans. 

Also, FEMA, The Federal Emergency Management Agency, worked admirably during the Clinton Administration. Under Bush, FEMA was "administered" by Brownie, some horse guy that W said was doing a heck of a job.  What is it with Republicans and horses? 

However, good church work, does not let government off the hook. Taxpayers paid for helicopters of the coast guard, national guard and other components of government.  We expect government to appropriately use our resources that we paid for with our tax dollars to assist us our citizens. The same concept applies to all levels of government, like automobiles owned by the City of Schenectady. Paid for by taxpayers, we expect our resources to be used to serve the public, the people that paid for them. 

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