Italian American Gentleman.

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OHIO, United States
Born Detroit at East Side General Hospital, raised in Ohio & Detroit, Progressive Democrat, Politically Active, an Engaged Citizen of the USA. Italiano Americano have lived and worked in Oregon, Indiana, Chicago, Boston, Vermont, Maryland,New York and a few places in between at times; "for Here we have no lasting city, we seek the one that is to come." (Hebrews 13:14)

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I lived in Vermont & it is gorgeous

View from my Home in Vermont

View from my Home in Vermont
Bennington Battle Field Monument

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


There never was a better example of Adding Insult to Injury than the Canton Ohio Walmart.  Not only do they screw their workers over every which way they can by reducing their hours, not giving them breaks, making them work off the clock, and every other workplace abuse they can get away with, Now, they add insult to injury by actually having the gall to solicit food donations for their staff associates.  It hit the front page of the Plain Dealer newspaper yesterday and has gone viral on Twitter and Facebook. 

Its difficult to believe that its been nearly a year since I participated in a Walmart Black Friday protest in Albany, New York.  Last Thanksgiving, I was living in Schenectady New York.  I have a friend there who is a retired union worker and very interested in labor organizing and right to work laws that states are passing.  He doesn't drive, so I picked him up and we headed out to the two available Walmart stores available to us in Schenectady. One is a standard Walmart, the other a Super center.

He felt sure we could connect with other activists.  The first Walmart we went to there was no activity at all.  So we left to try the superstore on the other side of town.  En Route, we saw two activists carrying a flag and banner so we stopped to try to connect with them.  They told us that nothing was happening in Schenectady, that we needed to head to Albany where the primary protest was focused. 

My friend was not convinced.  He insisted that we go to the Walmart Superstore which is huge and has a huge parking lot on the other side of Schenectady.  When we arrived there, he was speechless.  There was nothing but a stampede of rabid zombie Christmas shoppers.  He was speechless in his disappointment and could only grunt "harumph" and negatively shake his head side to side. 

We had no choice but to head to Glenmont New York Supercenter where the primary protest was located.  The weather was good, so, we were hopeful.  When we arrived on Route 9West the protest was in full bloom and it was very visible and effective. 

There seems to be more awareness this year about the blight upon the American dream known as Walmart, Mallwart, or Wallyworld.  Robert Reich, President Bill Clinton's labor secretary has even been blogging about Walmart, most recently noting that they have had 3 consecutive down quarters.

Today, I live in Alliance Ohio and the Walmart on Atlantic Blvd in nearby Canton, Ohio has gone viral because they have been soliciting food donations for their workers.

 There still is not sufficient outrage in our communities though.  As of today, there are only 3 Walmart protests scheduled in Ohio.  One in Cincinnati, one in Columbus and one in Youngstown.  None are scheduled in Cleveland, Toledo or Dayton or many other places where there are stores.

Seems to me there ought to be a protest at EVERY store and Sam's Club nationwide.

from ALLIANCE OHIO, Andrew John DiLiddo Jr. aka "AJ"  (pronounced "dee-LEED-dough)  sorta rhymes with "Toledo" 

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